A chill in the air, late summer sunshine and orange and read leaves; it can only mean one thing!

With Autumn quick on the horizon, with it comes the cold and flu season. Many people find September to November a stressful time due to school runs, work, darker days and the change of the clocks for example.

Whilst there’s no sure fire way to avoid all the seasonal illnesses that come with this change of season, there are a few ways to stay healthy as the season changes.

Fresh Air

Although it might be a bit cooler as the season changes and the days get darker, it is still really important to get out and about and get some fresh air. A brisk walk really helps to blow the cobwebs away but if that isn’t possible, simply sitting in the garden with a blanket and enjoying the fresh air really will help to make you feel more awake and relaxed. Practice some deep breathing – in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth for at least a minute a day in the fresh clean air. This deep diaphragmatic breathing helps to improve immunity, exercises the internal organs as well as acting as a detox.


During the colder months people generally drink less as they feel it isn’t as hot and therefore forget / don’t feel the need to drink as much. It is important to drink plenty of fluids all year long, but you might need to make more of an effort to remember to drink in the colder months. Increased hydration can work to aid muscular aches and pains, improve the immune system and help to fight against seasonal bugs.

Seasonal Produce

Eating fresh, seasonal produce is also great for your body – as well as the local economy!

The change from summer to autumn brings with it a rich crop of seasonal root vegetables such as parsnips, fresh fruit and pumpkins and squashes. Making a hearty soup, stew or roast dinner with seasonal vegetables will ensure that you have a warming meal as well as an intake of vitamins and many other important nutrients that all work to provide the body with what it needs to fight seasonal illnesses as well as the immune system in general.


Even though the weather might be changing outside, regular movement is important for joints, muscles and bones. A steady walk, jog or even little bit of exercise inside the house also aids the circulation and elevates the heartrate. Exercise is proven to increase moods due to the endorphins released which will help to combat any seasonal mood swings and also improves the immune system.


Sleep is so vitally important for the body to rest, restore, recover and repair. When you are ill or struggling from sickness, you will; feel tired as they body is trying to repair itself. Regular sleep habits and patterns will promote a healthy body due to the regular sleep it is getting. As the light changes and the nights get darker quicker, get into a routine earlier – whether it be a cool shower, bath or pjs.