MyLife Healthcare
01. Step One
On receipt of an enquiury, the MyLife welcome team will talk with you to understand your requirements a little more before passing over to the Clinical Nurse Specialist.
MyLife Healthcare
02. Step One
The Clinical Nurse Specialist will contact you next, this is to arrange a meet and greet, as well as an initial assessment. The assessment includes creating your personal care plan, so that we fully understand what type of care is needed, and what skill sets will be required of your Health Care Assistant
MyLife Healthcare
03. Step Three
We have a pool of trained and qualified Health Care Assistants ready to support, should your needs be urgent or temporary.
MyLife Healthcare
04. Step Four
Otherwise we will often advertise specifically for your needs. We actively encourage clients to be part of the recruitment process of choosing a team of fully trained Health Care Assistants and Registered Nurses to support your health care plan.
MyLife Healthcare
05. Step Five
Health Care Assistants are trained on all aspects of care, they are trained in the classroom as welll as in the client’s home. The Health Care Assistant is then signed off by the Clinical Nurse Specialist as competent, and will receive on-going clinical supervision.
MyLife Healthcare
06. Step Six
Your personal care plan will start as soon as everything is in place.
MyLife Healthcare
07. Step Seven
Monthly reviews of your personalised care plan will take place and these are completed by the Clinical Nurse Specialist.
MyLife Healthcare
08. Step Eight
You will also receive weekly communications from the Care Manager of the nearest MyLife branch and the Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Specialist Healthcare
Helpful information

Setting up Your Specialist Healthcare

Setting up Your Specialist Healthcare